
IC Bus campaign

Germany’s railway service Deutsche Bahn now also offers long-distance coaches: the IC busses. They are as comfortable and reliable as their bigger sisters, the ICE trains. Only a bit more flexible, younger and always on the move. Just like a little brother. Therefore our launch campaign followed the motto “Deutsche Bahn’s little brother is here”. Just to explain: “Bahn” is both the name of “Deutsche Bahn” and the common word for trains. The motifs present the different bus connections.

Brand: IC Bus | Agency: GGH MullenLowe | Role: Concept & copy creative (campaign)

Motiv aus der Print-Kampagne für den IC Bus mit der Headline "Ratzfatz nach Ravensburg" und der Kampagnenzeile "Der kleine Bruder der Bahn ist da".
Motiv aus der Print-Kampagne für den IC Bus mit der Headline "Von und zu Freiburg" und der Kampagnenzeile "Der kleine Bruder der Bahn ist da".

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