
Audi Q2 digital campaign

The Audi Q2 doesn’t fit in just one category. It’s #untaggable. The same goes for its target group. Conventional advertising hardly grabs their attention. They demand a digital campaign that is rooted in real life.

That’s why we presented the new car on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Tumblr just in time for the unveiling. And we invited the people to #untaggable events: boiler room parties, big city events and test drives. Here, they posted about their experience and created content themselves.

The digital campaign was just as #untaggable as the Audi Q2. It achieved 398 million views of #untaggable images and videos and a conversion increase of 450%.

Brand: Audi | Agency: Philipp und Keuntje | Role: Concept & copy creative (campaign)

Case film

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